Life as a Lifeschooler
Lifeschooling and Books – Konur Papageorgiou
I always love sitting down and having a good chat with my son, Konur. I feel blessed that we connect so easily on so many topics and this boy is wise beyond his years! On this episode, I wanted to talk with him about his lifeschooling journey in general, and then specifically talk about what books he feels have been most beneficial in his learning.
Part of my goal was to encourage moms of high schoolers to consider all that can be done through a lifeschooling approach, and that even kids who are headed toward college don't necessarily need to have their high school years look "traditional." I promised to put a link to this book, College Without High School: A Teenager's Guide to Skipping High School and Going to College, in these show notes, so there you go! (Disclaimer: I am still reading this one, but so far I think it's brilliant!)
One of the ironies about this interview is that even though our topic of discussion was books, we forgot to even mention that he and his friend, Emma Grace, are actually in the process of writing a book together! I guess that means we'll just have to set up another interview when it finally comes out! ;) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did!
Here are some of the questions we discussed:
* What are some of your favorite kinds of books to read? Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?
* I know you’re a history buff, so tell me what books have been most enlightening on that topic?
* So, you are heading into a career in IT doing contract work, God-willing. Tell me what books have been most helpful from a business/entrepreneurial standpoint.
* Lifeschooling is not the same as unschooling, but there are a lot of similarities. The definition of lifeschooling is “the individualized process of discovering your child’s God-given gifts and talents primarily through real life experiences that happen within the context of your family’s unique situations and missions.” We definitely fall on the “unschooling” side of the spectrum, partially because of our particular family situations. What has been your favorite part of lifeschooling?
* The most important book of all is, of course, the Bible. Tell us a bit about your Bible studies and how just being in the Word so much daily has helped you in everyday life.