Life as a Lifeschooler

Life as a Lifeschooler

Schedule or Routine?

March 28, 2019

Do you follow a segmented schedule, complete with time slots, or more of a routine in your homeschool? Or perhaps you relate to Christi's description of a "rhythm"! On this episode, Christi Deason joins us once again, this time to discuss scheduling. While scheduling is definitely not natural for either of us, Christi talks about how her loose style worked for their family and I share my own experience with my style of minimal scheduling.

As is typical, we take some time for a few necessary rabbit trails, as well! (College proponents, watch out. We're not anti-college, but perhaps we get a bit opinionated here!) Since scheduling involves curriculum, I cover a bit of what I'm doing with that, too. It's not fancy or complicated, but it works for a wiggly, kinesthetic seven-year-old!

Here is the general outline we followed for our interview:

Did you follow a schedule or more of a routine? What did that look like?

Did you have it written out or did you use some kind of software?

What subjects went on that list, at what ages?

I tend to follow the “better late than early” advice
With my youngest, I always do Bible and character training daily, even if we get to very little in the way of formal academics
We also regularly do history, as Bible tends to dovetail well into ancient history
* Science at this age is focused mostly on nature and animal studies, but we also incorporate any interests as they appear (today in our Bible doctrines, we talked about faith being something that can't be experienced with our five senses, naturally leading into a science reading and discussion about the five sense).

What time did you usually start? Did you take certain days off?

We took off Fridays, birthdays, and of course...snow days! Being in the south, snow days are something to be enjoyed as much as possible, in my opinion!

What factors went into deciding the schedule (husband's work, personalities, early birds/night owls, specific giftings…)?

Were there any years that seemed harder to schedule?

Anything you would change about how you scheduled or did your routine?