Life as a Lifeschooler

Life as a Lifeschooler

Pursuing Gifts Through Lifeschooling – Konur and Elleina Papageorgiou

August 27, 2018

I won't even try to pretend that Konur and Elleina are not my favorite guests so far! A mom has a right to such bias! :) What a fun interview talking with my kids about pursuing gifts and how God has allowed them to do this in lifeschooling.

How we carry out the lifeschooling vision can look a little different from family to family, but here is what lifeschooling looks like in a very relaxed setting.
Konur is our firstborn who is 16. He is amazing with computers and is currently learning to program apps. He loves math, history (particularly WW2), and grammar. He also has an interest in dog training and helps take care of the animals on our homestead.
Elleina is our middle child who is 13. She is our creative one. She loves acting, writing, and art and is also learning Welsh and Danish. She played the role of 12-year-old Kate in the movie “Like Arrows: The Art of Parenting” which will be in theaters for one weekend in May, 2018, and she also had the lead role in a play last year (2016). She just finished going through the proof copy of her first novel, which we hope will be available for purchase later this month. (Update: No Return was published in December, 2017. You may purchase it on Amazon).

Tell us about your typical day and what it pursuing gifts looks like for you.
Konur, how did you become interested in WW2?
Last year was a big year for you, Elleina. How did you begin acting and what led to your getting your first movie role?
Konur, how did you start coding and were you interested in this subject area or did you have some prompting?
Elleina, how did the novel come about? Tell us about that process.
Tell us how the traditional subjects (grammar, math, etc.) have come into play as you have pursued your individual interests.
What are some of your specific goals for this year in your education and projects you want to accomplish?
Tell us your favorite part of lifeschooling and pursuing gifts that God has put in you.
So, lifeschooling is about freedom. You can have this lifeschooling mindset with just about every approach you take with homeschooling, but we tend to look rather “unschooly” in our philosophy. What do you see as the biggest challenge with taking a more relaxed approach?
Tell us one thing you still want to learn.

And that’s Life as a Lifeschooler! Subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode. Hope you’ll join us next time!