The Business Brain

The Business Brain

205: Rewire Your Brain for Clear Perception

September 30, 2021

Did you have any money conversations since you heard the last episode with Bob? How about do any journaling on money?
If you said "no", you have also said, "I didn't have time yet." Or maybe deep down you really know the reason why you didn't do anything about this yet is because you're not sure where to start. 
This is a cognitive deficiency (a weak part of your brain) that is called "Blurred and Sweeping Perception." This can be fixed! You can train your brain to always have clear perception and know where to start in any given situation (including these hard convos!)
To begin training your brain,  start by asking yourself (in easier situations!), "What is my starting point?" This get your brain starting to think in a new way.

To learn how you can work with ST and rewire your brain head over to