The Business Brain

The Business Brain

147: 6 Elements Women Need to Have Pleasurable Sex with Debbie Marielle Elzea

June 16, 2021

So you're not having pleasurable sex? Or maybe you want to make it even better.
There are so many aspects to sex and sometimes all it takes is one thing for it not go the way you want. Or completely the opposite - it just takes one thing for it to be an incredible experience. 
In this episode Sex Coach Debbie Marielle Elzea shares with us the 6 elements to have that pleasurable sex:
1. Knowledge
2. Worthiness
3. Embodiment
4. Creativity
5. Time
6. Emotional Connection
You'll learn what each of those elements are, what it does to your sex life and what you can do to go and improve them. 

Debbie is a former attorney and Colorado registered psychotherapist, who has also studied life and couples coaching, as well as sacred and embodied sex coaching methodologies. She is inspired by her own experiences growing up in a sex-shaming culture, and enduring a long sexless marriage before creating life-changing intimacy. Debbie helps women transform their relationships with their bodies, selves, spirits and partners… . Its time to get unstuck, get out of your busy mind and into your pleasure, and be a beloved, cherished woman!
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