The Business Brain

The Business Brain

139: The 10 Emotional Needs with Dr. Willard Harley

June 02, 2021

So you know your partner's love language. But do you know your partner's emotional needs?

In this episode we've got the Doctor himself, Willard F. Harley, Jr., Ph.D. author of the internationally best selling book, His Needs, Her Needs: Building An Affair-proof Marriage. It's a book that's sold over four million copies. and it is available in twenty-two foreign translations.
So what are the 10 emotional needs?
1. Affection
2. Sexual Fulfillment
3. Conversation
4. Recreational Companionship
5. Honesty & Openness
6. Attractiveness of Spouse
7. Financial Support
8. Domestic Support
9. Family commitment
10. Admiration

And there's more! You can have and give your partner all the emotional love, commit to fulfilling their needs, but if you've got love busters in your marriage you can get into real trouble. 
The 6 Love Busters:
1. Selfish Demands
2. Disrespectful Judgements
3. Angry Outbursts
4. Dishonesty
5. Independent behavior
6. Annoying Habits

Dr. Harley earned a Ph.D. degree in psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1967 and has been a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Minnesota since 1975. For the first ten years after earning his degree, he taught psychology at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. During those years, he was also a frustrated part-time marriage counselor with little success in helping couples.
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