Where Accountants Go - The Accounting Careers Podcast

243: Mansour Farhat – Continuing To Make Life Easier for Accounting Students
Professor Mansour Farhat, a previous guest on our show, came back for this episode of Where Accountants Go to tell us about a new offering he has helped make available for accounting students.
If you weren’t already aware of Mansour from his 1900+ Youtube videos on accounting topics, you definitely should go back in our archives to episode 107 where we delve even more in-depth into how he got started in the Youtube world (107: Mansour Farhat – Saving Accounting Students One YouTube Video At A Time | MGR Accounting Recruiters (mgrar.com)).
Professor Farhat started producing accounting educational videos simply because he was very busy teaching classes at two different schools at one point. He started his Youtube channel as a way to be more efficient with his time, and it ended up being a resource that is now used by accounting students all over the globe. After a friend called his attention to how popular the channel had become, he decided to greatly expand it and make it even more searchable. Fast forward a little bit, and Mansour now has over 1900 videos online, and produces supplemental material to be used in conjunction with popular CPA review courses as well!
The new offering we talk about in this episode though is that of helping students that need to meet the 150 hour credit requirement for the CPA exam get those credits in a more economical and efficient manner. Mansour co-founded an organization called CPACredits.com that allows students to take courses online, in about half the time, and at a very economical rate in order to get the ten to thirty extra credits they may need to sit for the CPA exam. While this would benefit just about anyone looking to meet that requirement, I believe that it will be a game-changer for those individuals that didn’t get the hours earlier in life, and now feel that they can’t due to complications with returning to school. For those people already several years into their careers and family lives, this could be the solution that allows them to get certified.
For more information on CPACredits.com or Mansour’s other video offerings, please click on the links in the text above.
To listen to this interview with Mansour Farhat, please use the player below: