Where Accountants Go - The Accounting Careers Podcast

238: Jason Parr of Peisner Johnson – From Assistant to President!
Jason Parr, the President of Peisner Johnson, a state and local tax consulting company, joined us this week for Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast.
In this episode, we discuss the road less traveled so-to-speak with respect to careers… that of staying at the same company and continuing to build your career at that one organization. For Jason, that meant starting as an assistant in accounting prior to earning his degree, and ending up as President after a couple decades of diligent effort and personal growth. Jason tells the story better than we could in a simple show notes summary, so make sure you listen to the full interview using the player below, or by using your favorite podcast app.
If you ultimately want to work your way into executive management, this is definitely an episode you will want to hear. Jason was very open about his path, even about some of his doubts and learning opportunities along the way. This was a great interview.
If you enjoy this episode, please also check out: Paula Gold-Williams and Anoop Mehta
To listen to this interview with Jason Parr of Peisner Johnson, please use the player below: