Where Accountants Go - The Accounting Careers Podcast

233: Geraldine Carter – Building a Practice That You Enjoy
Geraldine Carter of She Thinks Big Coaching joined us for this special edition of Where Accountants Go, the Accounting Careers Podcast.
While our show usually highlights the career paths of successful accountants, or individuals that started in accounting and have went on to blossom that knowledge into new, unique career paths, sometimes we produce a special episode focused on helping accountants with their entrepreneurial endeavors. This episode is exactly that.
For this week’s show, our guest, Geraldine Carter, drills down on the issues that make some accountants’ entrepreneurial dreams turn more into nightmares down the road. Many of us ultimately would like to have our own practice, but often the freedom we think we are going to achieve doesn’t become a reality. We end up working for our practice instead of it working for us.
In this episode, Geraldine covers many of the pitfalls that a self-employed accountant can encounter, and how to fix those issues so that you can thoroughly enjoy running your practice, and so that it meets all your needs and expectations as well.
For more information on Geraldine Carter, please visit her website at: Business Coaching for CPA's & Small Firms | She Thinks Big Coaching
If you enjoy this episode with Geraldine, please also check out: Sarah Elliott and Mariette Martinez
To listen to this interview with Geraldine Carter, please use the player below: