Where Accountants Go - The Accounting Careers Podcast

229: Our Host, Mark Goldman, on “Accountable”
This week on Where Accountants Go: The Accounting Careers podcast, we rebroadcast a show where Mark Goldman, the host of Where Accountants Go, was a guest on another podcast by the name of “Accountable”.
“Accountable” is an extraordinarily well-produced podcast hosted by David Peters, a prior guest on our show. In this episode, David interviews Mark on aspects of the job market, hiring for accounting professionals, and career management. David did such a great job with the interview as well as the production of the show, that we wanted to re-run it so it could benefit you (our listeners) as well.
If you’d like to hear other episodes of “Accountable”, please visit their website by clicking here.
To hear David’s own interview on this episode, visit: 221: David Peters , CPA – Host of Accountable | MGR Accounting Recruiters (mgrar.com)
To listen in on this interview Mark did with David Peters on the Accountable podcast, please use the player below: