Life Covenant Church

Life Covenant Church

X Words - The greatest commandment

December 26, 2021

After this past season & looking at the 10 Words & the laws behind the words, some of you might be like me & ask, “Okay, but which is THE word? The BEST one? Which one should I REALLY pursue?" This Sunday we will see Jesus settle this long-time debate. When asked which was the “greatest commandment in the Law,” Jesus responded with not one of the 10 Commandments but another command. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind… And… Love your neighbor as yourself (Matt 22:37-39).” These two commands, while simple & straight forward, are extremely difficult. But we shouldn’t let their difficulty intimidate us or keep us from pursuing them. These 2 commands can be an incredible compass for our lives because they really DO encapsulate, "All of the Law & Prophets." If we really strive to keep these commands, then we won’t need to worry about whether we’re obeying God or not- we just will be.
