Life Continuing

From Cardiology to Consciousness Research on NDE's: Dr. Pim van Lommel | S3 E10
For more than twenty-five years, cardiologist Dr. Pim van Lommel has studied near-death experiences (NDEs) in patients who survived cardiac arrest. In 1986 while working at Rijnstate Hospital in the Netherlands he began studying NDEs, along with several colleagues. In 2001 they published their landmark study in the medical journal The Lancet. As the first scientifically rigorous study of its kind, the article caused an international sensation.
Winner of the 2010 Book Award from the Scientific and Medical Network
Van Lommel was granted the Bruce Greyson Research Award on behalf of the International Association of Near-Death Studies in 2005.
A year later the president of India, Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, awarded him the Life Time Achievement Award at the World Congress on Clinical and Preventive Cardiology in New Delhi.
Van Lommel then wrote the Dutch bestselling book Endless Consciousness in 2007 and later the English bestseller Consciousness Beyond Life.
Since then, he has traveled the globe lecturing on the relationship between consciousness and the brain and has written chapters for several books and numerous articles about his research and its implications.
Recently, in 2017 he received the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Award from the Dutch society of Volunteers in Palliative and Terminal Care.
And in 2021 he was the second prize winner of The Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies Essay Contest.
Join me now to hear my conversation with Dr van Lommel about his incredible and scientific research about consciousness beyond life…
Creator: Tania Berg
Advisor: Amanda Cupido
Music: Richard Feren
Editor: Cathy Ord
Promo VO: Leslie Fear