Life Continuing

Near Death Experience and Trauma: Brooke Grove, MA, MFT | S3 E9
Brooke Grove, MA, MFT, ATR, is a poly-trauma survivor, near-death experiencer and multi-disciplinary integrative healer in co-creation with Spirit.
A former psychotherapist, Brooke has advanced degrees in Clinical Psychology, Marital and Family Therapy and Clinical Art Therapy, enhanced by numerous post-graduate certifications, including yet not limited to, Shamanic Energy Medicine, Eco-Psychology, Quantum Fieldwork, Somatic Experiencing and Transpersonal Neuroscience.
Brooke has been featured on many podcasts, YouTube interviews and documentaries. Additionally, she speaks frequently at the yearly International Association of Near-Death Studies’ (IANDS) conferences.
Brooke is currently writing her first book. She maintains a private, international healing practice, offering immersive remote services, wherein her goal is to explore, transmute and empower the evolution in human consciousness through gratitude, service and Light.
Here is my conversation with Brooke about her near death experience and the profound lessons learned.
Instagram: @brookegrovehealing
Creator: Tania Berg
Advisor: Amanda Cupido
Music: Richard Feren
Editor: Cathy Ord