Liberty and Prosperity

Liberty and Prosperity

Woke Disney, School Indoctrination, Atlantic City Boardwalk. 4.23.22

April 28, 2022

Listen to Seth Grossman appearance on John Demasi radio show, WPG 4.23.2022.

Yuri Besmenov warned against ideological subversion.
Why is Disney going far left? Destroying the American family.
Some teachers indoctrinating children. Some schools using classic mafia tactics; so-called 'stand-up' guys.
Propaganda in standardized tests. Weeding out teachers with a conscience. Parental rights legislation.

NJ Gov Murphy & the WOKE billionaires. 

Compelled to promote the Woke Agenda.
Attend School board meetings.
More parents are home schooling their children.

Elon Musk saving Twitter. 1st Amendment.

LeggoLand instead of Disney.

Take a walk on the Atlantic City Boardwalk - It's like skid row. A third world hell-hole.