Liberty and Prosperity
January 11, 2025 Seth Grossman WPG Radio: After We Stop Ocean Wind. Make Health Insurance Real Insurance Again. Remembering John Carman.
Seth Grossman appearance with John DeMasi on WPG Radio. January 11, 2025.
What next after we stop ocean wind turbines. Expand Salem nuclear. Rebuild Beesley's Point with natural gas.
Make Health Care Insurance Real Insurance Again.
Remembering Atlantic County's John Carman.
Fighting Insane, Anti-Family,Dishonest Gender Policies in Galloway Schools.
Full Text:
Seth Grossman: It could be very well be that the ocean wind turbines are dead. It's not just because of those petitions signed by 2,092 Atlantic City voters. Let's face it, that these petitions don't force a referendum on whether the wind turbines go out in the ocean. They only force a referendum on whether the high voltage cables from those wind turbines go under the California Avenue Beach of Atlantic City, go under the streets of the residential neighborhoods, and whether Atlantic City has to give up control of its best parks, playgrounds and ball fields to compensate for the industrialization of that stretch of beach. So it's really a a local issue.
Also Governor Murphy and most Democrats made it clear in the past that if they don't like what local towns do in resisting wind turbines, he's just gonna have the state take over like he did in Ocean City. But that takes time and that takes process and that takes court cases. And I think everybody knows that, president Trump is not going to allow these wind turbines, that he has a great relationship with, congressman Jeff Van Drew. So, so if I were a betting man, I would not be betting on wind turbines, off the coast of Atlantic City. But this is only the beginning. Stopping the wind turbines is not enough. We need more power for our artificial intelligence, for the electric cars, for all the things we need in modern society. And you can't depend on electricity just when the wind is happens to be blowing. I mean, we tried that technology with sailboats a 150 years ago, and we got rid of it. Because it's not the, the fact that how well they work when the wind is blowing. It's the fact that what do you do when the wind's not blowing? How do you set up a completely duplicate generating system to cover those times? And it's just not economically feasible. And and you just repeated the biggest lie that, that the Atlantic County Utilities Authority has on its website, that the, Atlantic Sewers has on its website. Something like one wind turbine can power up to 25 100 homes with electricity. I mean, they have it on their website. Notice that it says can power. Doesn't say it will power that many homes. And we don't know how many homes it could power at all. Because again, it assumes that it can power 2,500 homes if the wind is blowing 26 miles an hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a week. But that never ever happens. And if a private person tries to sell a product with that kind of dishonesty, they get locked up for consumer fraud. That's true. But but but anyway, so what's the next step? The next step is where will we get our energy from? And if you look at the, electricity picture for New Jersey, you see that 42% of all the electricity that we have that comes in New Jersey comes from 2 generators, 2 nuclear generators in Salem. And then you have another 40% comes from gas and oil, like what we used to have at Beasley's point. So after the 1,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 of dollars we've invested on wind and solar energy, at best, it comes up with 8% of the energy that we have or 8% of the electricity. And I actually think those figures are hokey because they assume that every time that the, that the wheels are turning on those wind turbines, that we need the power. But there are many, many times when the wind is blowing when we don't need the power and they just waste all that energy. So just a fraction of the electricity we get comes from the wind. And the fact that we have that 8%, that's why our electric bills are about twice as much as they are in Florida.