Liberty and Prosperity

NJ and Stockton Maple Syrup; Unconstitutional Spending.
Our federal government is broke. Last year, it borrowed $1.8 trillion more than it took in. It is now $35.5 trillion dollars in debt.
It is broke because we ignored our Constitution for more than 90 years.
Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution lets the federal government spend money only on specific “enumerated” things. These are things that we and our state and local governments cannot do on our own. Like having a military, coining money and building interstate highways.
Now, our federal government does whatever it wants. It even pays Stockton University to make maple syrup!
Last year, it paid Stockton $127,000. to make 22 gallons of syrup. That’s six thousand, two-hundred and twenty-seven dollars per gallon.