Liberty and Prosperity

Liberty and Prosperity

Seth Grossman Weekly Radio Message On WPG Radio 95.5FM Near Atlantic City, NJ:

October 19, 2024

There's Nothing Wrong With Our Immigration "System"! It Is Deliberately Designed To Limit The Number of People Who Can Come To this Country, And Keep A Lot Of  People Out!

SETH GROSSMAN:  What annoyed me most about Kamala Harris in that Brett Baier interview was how she kept saying our immigration system is broken and that we have to fix it. There's nothing wrong with the immigration system.  It is designed to limit the number of people who legally come to this country or who come to this country period.  We have about 8 billion in the world and, most of them have poor and miserable lives. That is because they live under socialism or Islam or some other culture or ideology that makes their lives miserable. We can't have billions of poor and miserable people, saturated with the poor and miserable culture and values that make them poor and miserable come to our country without ruining our country!

And so we have immigration laws that limit the number of people who can come here. It's not that people coming to our country are good or bad, it's that we can't take an unlimited number of people with different cultures into this country without losing our own culture.

Americans figured this out in the 1920s. Since 1920, we have had laws limiting the number of people who come here. When we Boomers were growing up it was limited to about 100,000 foreigners each year.  With only 100,000 foreigners coming to America each year, they were immersed in our language and our culture and it was easy for them to learn English, learn our customs, to learn our ways and to become good American citizens. And guess what happened when we had limited immigration?  Within 15 or 20 years most of those immigrants became conservatives and Republicans!  They quickly became self-sufficient. They were independent, they were educated, they didn't need the government for things. And so they tended to vote for Republicans. 

But if you have millions and millions of immigrants coming in legally and illegally, they never learn English. They never embrace our culture. They go to schools and neighborhoods where most people are speaking foreign languages. I think, Governor Waltz of Minnesota was bragging. He said, oh, we have a school where they have 40 languages. Well, how can people learn English? How can they talk to each other let alone learn from English speaking Americans. This is not a good thing. Democrats want to bury America with immigrants who will never become Americans, never become self-sufficient, and who will always depend on government's help, that is help from Democrat politicians. They will always need interpreters. They will never communicate with Americans who are conservatives or Republicans. When you get a simple insurance form it'll be in 22 different languages which cost a fortune. 

So again, there's nothing broken with an immigration system that limits the number of people who can come to this country. What's broken is that Obama and Biden and Kamala Harris broke our laws, and ignored those limits to let in as many people as can physically get here. And then pretend they are legal by instantly giving "asylum" status to people who were never persecuted in their home countries!   They are doing this to get permanent Democrat majorities in California, in Texas, in Minnesota, in Georgia, in Virginia and all these states. They want to make America a one party, socialist or Communist country just like Cuba, Mexico or Venezuela.  That's what annoyed me about Kamala Harris more than anything in that interview.

JOHN DEMASI:   Well, now that you put it that way, that annoyed me too. A lot of things annoyed me with that interview. 

SETH GROSSMAN:  Oh, speaking of one party socialist and Communist government, there has been no electricity in Communists Cuba since last Thursday. what Communism and socialism are all about. The government controls everything, and one political party controls the government.  If people screw up,