Liberty and Prosperity

Liberty and Prosperity

Brian Fitzherbert WPG Radio

October 12, 2024

Brian Fitzherbert fills in for Seth Grossman on WPG Radio, Talk with a Purpose. Oct. 12, 2024.
Brian Fitzherbert for Seth Grossman here at is the website. 

Should Donald Trump not be elected are pretty bad. And it's not like this is anything new. But when you think about this cobbled together, it's it's quite horrifying. Obviously, right now, the senate is still controlled by Chuck Schumer and the Democrats, and the map is favorable to the Republicans. But should that not happen and the Democrats not only win the senate, but they take back the house and, God forbid, Kamala Harris gets elected, what is 2025 gonna look like? Well, you can find all the clues of all the Democrats and what they've said on what they're going to do. And the first thing that they're gonna do is they're gonna nuke the filibuster. Meaning, instead of having 2 thirds majority in the senate to pass legislation, they're just gonna break it down to 51. It's a rules change. Obviously, Harry Reid started this with, federal judges, and then Mitch McConnell escalated it by doing with supreme court justices, to get that 51 for approval in the senate. And they wanna do this now with legislation. So that's the first thing that they're gonna do. They're gonna nuke the filibuster so they can pass anything and everything they want with just 51 votes, meaning no Republicans if that's if that's the breakdown, have the house passed and have Kamala Harris sign that into, into law with any legislation. So what would be the next thing that they wanna do? They wanna make Puerto Rico and DC states, add them to statehood, meaning 2 more senators each and probably one more, congressman from each. Therefore, increasing the balance of power because those are likely to be Democrat seats, both in the senate and the house. And therefore, they increase their majorities, in both chambers. And then what would happen after that? What have they said? They wanna pack the court. Meaning, right now, we have 9 justices. Right? 6 to 3, quote, unquote, majority of conservatives even though it's really 333. 3 conservatives, 3 moderates, and 3 liberals. And they wanna add 4. Well, that's an interesting number. That's one more than to get the majority on the court. So that would be 4 additional justices making it a 7 to 6 court, meaning 13 justices. Meaning, they can back up any and all things that they wanna push for. What's the next thing that they would do? They pass legislation for amnesty for all the illegal immigrants that have come in, not just in the last few years under the Biden administration, which is somewhere between 12 20, but everyone. All the all the dreamers, all these individuals that probably dating back to my lifetime, the beginning of my lifetime, which you're talk probably talking in realistic terms, probably 3 to 60000000 illegal aliens instantly giving citizenship and voting rights in places like Texas, meaning Republicans can remember when the state of Texas is getting. Which means the electoral college math doesn't favor Republicans on any on any means. And then what would be the next step? They would federalize and nationalize elections, meaning ballot harvesting that we deal with here in New Jersey that is completely illegal in other states like Ohio would be the law of the land. To take that even further, what would be the next thing? There are 2 big pieces of legislation that they wanna pass, which is nationalized abortion, meaning up through the 9 month the 3rd trimester, and there's no restrictions whatsoever. You can have an abortion wherever you want at time. It's not a state's rights issue like it is right now. And then the capper will be the wealth tax that they always talk about, meaning your unrealized gains. If you have a house that's worth more than you paid for it, every year you gotta pay a tax on that. Same thing with your stock portfolio, your 401ks, your pensions, all that kind of stuff.