Liberty and Prosperity

Liberty and Prosperity

Weekly Radio Message: “2000 Mules” Removed. Horrible Hate Crime In Ohio. Partisan Media On Both Sides Avoid Important But ‘Inconvenient’ Stories. Bashaw Wins, Divided NJ Conservatives Lose Primary. Hamas Using Same Wahhabi Playbook from 183

June 08, 2024

Producer of 2000 Mules apologizes. Removes book and movie from platform and distribution with this statement last May 31:  "In publishing the film and the book, we relied on representations made to us by Dinesh D'Souza and True the Vote, Inc. that the individuals depicted in the videos provided to us by True the Vote, including Mr. Andrews, illegally deposited ballots.  We have learned that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has cleared Mr. Andrews of illegal voting activity in connection with the event depicted in 2000 Mules"

ory hate movie Django Unchained was released during December, 2012.  Clink her for link to previous posts:  You searched for django - Liberty and Prosperity

Yet this story was NOT reported by "mainstream" or leftist media.  The following night, ABC news did a major story on the two black girls randomly shot on a New York playground.  However, it did not report anything about the deliberate murder of a three year old white child by a "random" black woman.ules".  Click here for link to detailed post:  D'Souza Media Group Apologizes. Pulls 2000 Mules Book And Movie From Distribution And All Platforms. - Liberty and Prosperity

Even More Significant:  Although this is a big news story, mainstream conservative media like Fox News and Newsmax have not reported it!  Of course, left-wing and "mainstream" media did report it. 

Cleveland Ohio, horrible murder.  A mother was in the parking lot of a supermarket loading groceries into the trunk of her car.  Her three year old son was in the seat of the shopping card.  A woman randomly approached her son and repeatedly stabbed him.  The child bled to death before the ambulance arrived.  The mother and her child were white.  The woman who randomly attacked and killed the child was Black.  Click here for link to local news report:  Suspect passes mom, toddler in Giant Eagle, then stabs them in parking lot, North Olmsted police say (video) -

These hateful and deadly attacks are NOT random.  They are race hate crimes that have become normal since the fake history hate movie Django Unchained was released during December, 2012.  Clink her for link to previous posts:  You searched for django - Liberty and Prosperity

This is another big problem in America.  Americans can no longer talk to each other about major political issues, because the media refuses to inform us of the same facts!  One of our member, Dr. David Goloff created an online application to quickly observe this media bias.  Learn more by clicking to this link:  Reclaim the News

Reclaim the News dot com. Find out which news outlets report major stories which ones don’t.  Reclaim the News

*Several days later, certain mainstream news outlets did report on this story.  However, the headlines and lead did not mention the race of the murderer or the race of the victim.  Had the races been reversed, race would have been in the headline and made a major story for weeks.

Last Tuesday’s Primary: Democrats: Joe Salerno 400 votes ahead of Tim Alexander. 1,909 mail and messenger ballots must be counted. Why were 1,909 ballots opened early?  Who did it?  What consequences. Mail-in ballots are bad.  But if you’re going to have them, both parties and the candidates need to check for signatures and qualifications of the voters. If you open and counts ballots early, you are defeating safeguards. Unless there is evidence of fraud, those ballots should count. Prosecutors office should be involved: Official Misconduct. Consequences for Public Officials who ignore the law.

Curtis Bashaw won Republican Primary for U.S. Senate. For first time since 2013, a Republican has a chance of winning Statewide. Conservatives divided and disorganized:  Three conservative Republicans running for U.S. Senates got 55% of the vote, a clear majority. Curtis Bashaw, with all that money, and the backing of Chris Christie and all the top political leaders in North and South Jersey got 45%.