Liberty and Prosperity

Liberty and Prosperity

June 1 Weekly Radio Message/Talking Points: Trump Prosecution, Primary Elections, Why NJ Republicans Keep Losing, “Bolshevik” Justice In NJ, Green Energy From Lightning?, Connect The Dots Between Million Dollar WW2 Memorial In Atlantic City & $2

June 01, 2024

Seth Grossman introduces weekly talking points on John DeMasi Talk Radio Program every Saturday from 9:10AM to 9:30AM. WPG Radio 1450AM near Atlantic City, and 95.5FM in most of South Jersey. Online at  We then talk about those topics and others from 9:30 to 10:30AM over breakfast at Banquet Room of Sal's Coal Fired Pizza, 501 New Road (Groveland Ave.), Somers Point, NJ.
Trump Prosecution and "Bolshevik"/"Revolutionary" Justice:  Nobody knows these terms because history textbooks in or high schools and colleges don't teach anything about 1918-1920 Communist Revolution in Russia even though it was as evil as the Holocaust. Labels like "Bolshevik" and "Communist" became unpopular and out of fashion in 1960's. And so the same people now call themselves "progressive", "leftist" or "woke".
In 1918, Vladimir Lenin’s socialists created a new justice system when they took control of Russia.  Russian legal expert Dmitry Dubrovsky explains it:“Under republican systems of government, the law aims to establish basic rights and responsibilities, and create a level playing field for all citizens (although this ideal is often less than perfectly implemented in practice). But equality before the law was never even an aspiration of Soviet revolutionary jurisprudence. The Bolsheviks did not see the law as a means to adjudicate civil and business disputes, or to dispense justice blindly; they viewed it as a mechanism to implement their social and political agenda. . .  The law, along with the system’s functionaries, was expected to serve the interests of the state, or, more specifically, the party running the state."
Click Here For Link To Full Post:  Trump Prosecution: "Bolshevik/Socialist" a/k/a "Revolutionary" Justice - Liberty and Prosperity
This also explains why none of the 94 people charged with breaking windows, looting stores, and fighting with police in Atlantic City and Trenton during the George Floyd riots of May, 2020 were punished in any way. It explains why Steven Young and the six people with him were never punished for blocking the Atlantic City Expressway during July 4 weekend this year.  It explains why the hero who protected people from that maniac on a New York subway is on trial for murder.
June Primary Election Day: This Tuesday, June 4.  Early Voting: Wed May 29 through Sunday, June 2. Pick up mail/messenger ballots from County Clerk until Monday afternoon. This is where the Republicans and Democrats pick their leaders and candidates. Only Republicans can vote in Republican Primaries. Only Democrats in Democrat Primaries. "Virgin" or "Unaffiliated" voters who never before voted in a Primary can choose their Party when they Vote.  Voters who declared themselves to be members of any other party can NOT vote in Republican or Democratic Primary Elections. To switch parties, voters must file a "Change of Party Affiliation" form by paper or online 55 days before a Primary Election.
Democrats have several contested races. Four candidates seeking nomination to run against Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drew. Different factions running against each other to control city government in Pleasantville. Also County Committee to control the Democratic Party in Atlantic County.
The biggest contested race in the Republican Primary is for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Democrat Bob Menendez.  The leading candidates are Cape May Congress Hotel owner Curtis Bashaw and Morris County Mayor Christine Serrano Glassner.  Bashaw is a "Tom Kean" moderate. Glassner is a conservative.  However, Bashaw has sent out slick, oversized postcards falsely accusing Glassner of being the "progressive".  Glassner is accused of allowing "8 straight property taxes" as mayor.  What towns in NJ did not have property tax increased during the past 8 years? Especially with the Biden inflation, new Murphy mandates, and Murphy cuts in state aid to suburban Republican town!
Why Republicans Keep Losing Winnable Elections in NJ:
