Liberty and Prosperity

Liberty and Prosperity

Trump Trial In New York, Rally in Wildwood. How To Make Public Schools Great Again. Better Ways To Stop Ocean Wind Turbines

May 11, 2024

Seth Grossman usually introduces the weekly discussion topics of on, 95.5FM and 1450AM throughout South Jersey, every Saturday morning at 9:10 am.  These topics, and others are then discussed over breakfast at the Banquet Room of Sal's Coal Fired Pizza, 501 New Road (Groveland Ave.), Somers Point, NJ.

Listen to the May 11, 2024 episode.

The criminal charges against Trump in New York are ridiculous.  Democrats Jon Corzine and Phil Murphy gave big donations to politically connected churches and charities when they ran for office. They deducted those donations from their taxes as business expenses and charitable donations.  Could they be charged with felonies if someone testified that they really gave those donations to win votes and political support?  The Manhattan District attorney claims Trump committed felonies because payments that protected his business and reputation also helped in politically.

Grover Cleveland campaign.

Bill Clinton’s real crime was not Lewinsky sex scandal. Rather, the Chi-com high-tech deal. High treason.

Trump Rally in Wildwood. Parking: $5 per hour. Government gouging.

Leftists taunting MAGA.

Trump supporters are respectful and kind.

Downside of non-locals at past rallies. Limited seating.

Seth seminar: Take Back Your School Board. Win a seat on the board.

Monday, May 13. New Life Church, EHT.

Starting salaries for teachers in NJ. Well paid.

Asylum Seekers.

Wind Turbines. Whales. Tourism.

Turbines. Useless and Expensive.

Atlantic County Commissioners need to help stop offshore wind farms.

ACUA not telling truth about their 5 turbines. Fake recycling?

Another Atlantic City murder. Black Lives Matter?  Only during elections?

Policy change. Some crimes not reported. Reporting crime is voluntary?

Press of AC: Non-stop crime. Every day.

Press of Atlantic City. The renewal cost is $260 for 6 months!