Liberty Roundtable Podcast

Liberty Roundtable Podcast

Radio Show Hour 2 – 05/11/2022

May 11, 2022

* Guest: Tom Jones, Is a well-known extreme athlete in the ultra-endurance world.

* Tom Jones – Why he’s running 76 marathons in 76 days! –

* @quitproof1 Tom Jones: 22 marathons down – 56 to go! The Run for Freedom is on! –

* Guest: Ryan Murtha, Film Maker with Tom Jones.

* Support the V2V Run! – Be a Volunteer and Donate to United We Pledge Now!

* Why does my cheeseburger cost so much? Most ingredients touched by inflation –

* As nation sets national gas price record, Utahns ponder summer plans!

According to AAA, Utahns are paying an average of $4.49 per gallon of regular gasoline. That’s above the national average of $4.37.

* Families are struggling with rent or mortgage payments with the current housing market, and gas is making it worse.