Leverage Your Leadership

Leverage Your Leadership

The Fine Line Between Pushing On & Closing The Business

April 19, 2021

In the first installment of this three-part conversation with Lori Saitz, the CEO and Founder of Zen Rabbit outlined how a group effort contributed to her individual success. Part II delves into detail about her evolution into a business owner, from bringing her product to market to the everyday challenges even established entrepreneurs face. She also speaks on her decision to voluntarily shutter what had proven a viable and well-received business. Through her recollections of this challenging period, we can explore and appreciate the uncomfortable transition from dream to reality. 

00:01 Delegation is Freedom 

In the beginning stages of running her business, Saitz personally handled every aspect of running her business, from baking and packaging to marketing and shipping. Selling more cookies was a matter of remaining focused on only those aspects of her business that only she could manage. 

As time passed and cookies sold, she hired staff members to perform processing and a fulfillment company to take care of logistics. She describes the feeling of watching her personal endeavor slowly grow into a “real business.” The tale she tells is tinged with loss, however,  she also describes the unexpected death of her first contract baker.  

The ensuing personal and professional challenges shaped the path of career in baking.

5:04 The Process of Presentation

Asked by Sylvia to expand on her formula for success, Saitz marks her experience working in outreach as indispensable. Even before she was a marketer of cookies specifically, she was a marketer of ideas. With this in mind, she encourages entrepreneurs to devote some dedicated study to marketing. Hiring professionals is necessary, and even a sign of growth in an organization, but no one knows a business like the mind behind it. A more complete understanding of the marketing principles can clarify the best methods of translating that vision to a target audience and the wider public.

9:36 The Heart of the Matter

Entrepreneurs go into the pursuit with full knowledge that not every moment of the journey will be fun. Sometimes dealing with clients will prove trickier than expected. Other entrepreneurs may experience frustration with building and maintaining the right team. Part of the process for Saitz was a realistic talk with herself about how much she enjoyed the day-to-day reality of staying in the cookie business. 

Without the direct motivation of making money, what began as a passion project simply became a project. Well supported by her previous career in marketing, she chose to value her emotional and mental health. In the end, if you’re not having fun, it’s time to consider doing something else.


Connect with Lori Saitz:

Website- https://zenrabbit.com/
LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorisaitz

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/LoriSaitz


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