Leverage Your Leadership

Leverage Your Leadership

Ep 48. The Secret To Creating Good Habits

March 22, 2021

SJ Scott has built himself into a master of flow, one good habit at a time. Scott is the author of a series of books on Amazon examining the miracle of consistent productivity. His newest work, “Habit-Stack for Humanity” goes into the finer points of creating a lifestyle that is turned for achievement. His meticulous methods have delivered remarkable success, and he sits down to share his perspective in Part 1 of this compelling chat with MindTeam Solutions.


3:00 Sparked by Kindle

Scott’s journey to high-profile platforms started with his time at Kindle Publishing, where he was tasked with shaping the lofty ideas of contributors into approachable reading material. After exposing himself to an array of insight, he came to the conclusion that habits were a central subject in these schools of thought. He made a fateful decision to expand his focus to the principles of consistent behavior rather than focus on Internet business. His first book soon followed, detailing his most successful strategies for professional and personal life.


3:56 Under Construction

Writing eBooks may have offered him a clear path to influence, but Scott found his journey leading away from the 9-5 world long before the advent of smart devices. As early as 1999, a stint in the military demonstrated to him the true value of independence. When his enlistment was complete, he floundered in entry-level jobs for a few years until 2004, when the Internet began to transform the way we live. From blogging to affiliate marketing, the budding entrepreneur explored every avenue until he nailed down a sustainable model.

6:29 Brick by Brick

Asked to elaborate on his process, Scott offers some helpful guidance for individuals looking to find their freedom from the workaday world. He underlines the importance of recording our thoughts, as the right seed of an idea can quickly flourish into a blooming reality. Note-taking apps as well as pencil and paper are considered some of his most indispensable office supplies, as he is constantly recording every thought. Leading by example, Scott recalls these countless little jots slowly forming themselves into a marketable product over time.


10:07 Killer Instinct

Although even the most seemingly insignificant notion can evolve into a game-changing concept, Scott cautions against becoming overly attached to our ideas. Reminding us of Stephen King’s famous advice to “kill your darlings,” he advises us always to sharpen our thought to their finest point before presenting them to the public. For him--and Stephen King--this can mean chopping up to 20 percent of a book out of the final draft. Although the process is always painful, doing so ensures that only the strongest ideas are nourished.


16:24 Walking the Tightrope

As anyone who has embarked on an intensive solo project can attest, staying engaged can prove a difficult balancing act. Here, Scott speaks on working through some of the difficulties involved in doing big things with the smallest possible team. He likens the process to training for a marathon, a pursuit for which consistent performance is indispensable. Rather than expecting an entire project to come to fruition overnight, Scott espouses steady emotional investment. Setting a series of attainable goals makes balancing against burnout simple. 

Connect with SJ Scott:
Website- https://www.developgoodhabits.com/my-books/

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/groups/182058985596545/

Twitter- https://twitter.