Leverage Your Leadership

Latest Episodes
Ep 63. Do You Need A Mastermind?
In the second half of Sylvia's conversation with Dr. Assegid Habtewold, the host of the TV show Pick Yourself Up. The conversation around masterminds continues. Sylvia shares with us how you know
Ep 62. What Is A Mastermind?
On this week's podcast episode we have chosen to share part 1 of Sylvia’s - MindTeam Solutions CEO - conversation with Dr. Assegid Habtewold, the host of the TV show “Pick Yourself Up”. “Pick Yoursel
Ep 61. Overcome Networking Fears By Focusing On Them
In the final installment of our conversation with Theresa Royal Brown the founder of Entrepreneur Professional Network and CEO of Premier Events Management, we dive deeper into our conversation around
Ep 60. Build Relationships To Change And Grow As A Leader
In the third installment of our conversation with Theresa Royal Brown the founder of Entrepreneur Professional Network and CEO of Premier Events Management discuss how developing good networking skill
Ep 59. Networking Happens Anywhere And Everywhere
In the second part of our conversation with Theresa Royal Brown the founder of Entrepreneur Professional Network and CEO of Premier Events Management we dive deeper into our conversation around networ
Ep 58. How To Interrupt While Networking
Theresa Royal Brown, the founder of Entrepreneur Professional Network and CEO of Premier Events Management has focused her career around planning corporate & high-end events and teaches networking wit
Ep 57. What We Can Take Away From The Last Year
During the first installment of this two-part chat with Sylvia Henderson, futurist Joyce Giola illustrated how mental modeling and scenario planning form the backbone of her work. Looking through the lens of the COVID crisis,
Ep 56. What Is A Business Futurist?
Futurist Joyce Giolas entire career hinges on her ability to see into the unknown with uncommon clarity. While her chosen title may evoke images of crystal balls and nebulous prophecies, Giolas work
Ep 55. Looking Into The Current State Of The World
Even as many of her contemporaries wistfully gaze back at 2019, Joyce Giolas gaze toward tomorrow is unblinking. In the first installment of this two-part discussion, the acclaimed speaker and futuri
Ep 54. The Value Of Forward-Looking Insights
Joyce Giola has consistently taken the long view of both her professional and personal life. A management consultant and keynote speaker by trade, she takes a focus on tomorrows challenges in her wor