Leveling Up

Leveling Up

An Innovative Approach to Performance Management with Tim Russell

May 17, 2022

Performance excellence in many organizations looks like a continuous process where people understand that coaching, feedback, and checking in through conversations are one of the ways that continuous performance management occurs.

Tim Russell is the head of learning and development at Magic Leap, an augmented reality company with the goal to influence and win the metaverse. They are trying to figure out the best tool to offer solutions that will change the world. This HR pro has extensive experience working with multinational brands including Microsoft, Starbucks, and Nintendo. Tim has a passion for project management, coaching, and leading teams in the area of leadership and development.

In this episode, Tim shares his experience with leadership, and how he made his transition to working in HR and people development. He talks about the commitment to learning and development, what trust means in the workplace and how to develop performance excellence and leadership in the workplace.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Making the decision to work in learning and development
  • Augmented reality and the world of business
  • Why the commitment to learning and development matters
  • The approach to performance management at Magic Leap
  • Trust and engagement in the workplace
  • Leadership program that supports performance excellence

Magic Leap

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Leveling Up

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