Leveling Up

Leveling Up

Navigating Organizational Shifts as a Senior Leader with Richard Rierson

May 05, 2022

Every organization thrives on systems and leadership that encourage a thriving workplace. Unfortunately, the challenges that senior leaders are having when it comes to organizational shifts can be difficult, resulting in poorly executed ways of shifting direction or vision. As a result, you get pitfalls in leadership, an unsteady workforce and by extension, a decrease in productivity.

Enter Richard Rierson, the host of Dose of Leadership, a podcast dedicated to providing leadership resources and inspiring and educational interviews with relevant experts who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of the truth. The Marine Corps veteran has a passion for helping others develop a courageous & authentic leadership presence.

In this episode, Richard shares his experience with leadership, a broad topic he’s learned a lot about from his time in the Marine Corps to working in the private sector. He talks about dealing with change management, relying on your team to problem solve, and how to speak up in the corporate world.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • From the Marine Corps to focusing on leadership outside the army
  • Dealing with change management
  • Why communication matters
  • Accountability and ownership amongst management and employees
  • Why you should tell your employees the truth rather than shut them out
  • Learning to speak up in the corporate world

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richardrierson/

Dose of Leadership Podcast: https://doseofleadership.com/podcast-page/

Leveling Up

For more links, visit getmarlow.com/podcast