Leveling Up

Leveling Up

The Benefits and Challenges of Leading a Transatlantic Team with Ciara Lakhani

December 23, 2021

Is it possible to learn what it's really like to work with people when you have employees in the US,  France and Portugal? Enter Dashlane - a company focused on providing a simple solution for protecting passwords, personal info and all your data. What makes the company unique is their approach to remote work.

Ciara Lakhani, Chief People Officer at Dashlane, shares how her own experience as a customer with Dashlane landed her the opportunity to work with the organization in their talent acquisition department. She explains what life at Dashlane looks like working with a transatlantic team in a post-pandemic world and why it’s possible to have talent in Europe working for American-based companies.

In this episode, Ciara discusses the challenges and benefits of working with a transatlantic team, having asynchronous schedules, and leading with the principle of employee choice first. You'll hear Ciara share why serving all employees' interests and preferences is worth the small loss of efficiency as an acceptable trade-off because of the employee benefits in the long run.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Ciara explains how she ended up at Dashlane and how it enabled her to move to France during the middle of pandemic
  • Multinational headquarters - why Dashlane focuses on even distribution of executives and the idea of equal importance across all it’s transatlantic offices
  • Employee preference is the worth a loss in efficiency because it increases employee retention and satisfaction
  • Employee retention beyond flexible working options
  • Why the power of people feeling supported by their management is one of the top determinants of how happy employees are in their role and whether they thrive in their role
  • The role of feedback in growth and promotion cycles at Dashlane
  • Ciara shares the most important lesson she has learned after nearly two decades of HR experience



Leveling Up

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