Leveling Up

Using Data Driven Insights to Improve Employee Engagement with Mark Gundacker
Talent development and HR is facing a new era a year and a half after the global pandemic started. What do experts believe is the future of the working world?
With over 25 years of experience covering a breadth of industries and human resources, Mark Gundacker, current Chief of People Officer at MetroMile shares his thoughts on employee satisfaction and corporate transparency in a post-covid world.
In this episode, Mark discusses the importance of transparency, communication, employee surveys, and the challenges of remote work. While a company may not be at liberty to divulge everything, Mark explains how having mechanisms in place for open and honest communication between leaders and employees was integral to building employee trust and satisfaction.
Listening in, you'll hear Mark identify and break down tools leaders can use to increase leader-employee communication, how remote work models are key to employee retention and recruitment, and why the HR industry must remain adaptable and flexible.
Key Points From This Episode:
How current Chief of People Officer Mark Gundacker started his career with MetroMile, a revolutionary car insurance company that bases its rates on the miles driven, making car ownership convenient and less expensive
Mark shares how the pandemic has shifted corporate strategies for talent acquisition
How does MetroMile consider the employee perspective when it comes to adapting to a post-pandemic working world?
Why employee surveys are helpful in understanding the pulse of the organization
Despite dealing with a global pandemic, Mark shares what structures have remained the same within HR and talent development
What is MetroMile’s long-term vision for return to work?
Mark shares how he measures success and how he’s able to tell what’s working and what’s not
How to be an effective leader - do not overlook the importance of data
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Leveling Up
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