Let's Talk Business
Latest Episodes
Discover the Career You Love—with Shaina Keren
Not many people can say that they are in a career they love. But is it really possible to find happiness at work? Shaina Keren thinks so.Shaina is a career consultant who specializes in helping people discover and create careers that fit their b
Overcome Your Internal Barriers to Success—with Naftali Mark Horowitz
We’re all capable of becoming more and reach our fullest potential. Yet, admittedly, this can be such a great and overwhelming feat that it can be so tempting to remain comfortable with what we are now. But what wasted potential that could be. In this epi
Trends In Philanthropy: Placing Money Strategically to Better the World—with Kristen-Putnam Walkerly
The role of philanthropy in the world is always best appreciated during crisis and everyone can agree that the whole of 2020 has been defined by an unprecedented crisis that has profoundly affected all aspects of global life. As the world experiences mass
How to Use Video to Boost Your Team's Productivity—with Matthew Pierce
Just because you own a business doesn’t mean you have to do it all. You need to learn how to delegate tasks to your team so you can go and do what you do best for your business. But how do you pass on your knowledge to your team in an effective and more e
The Power of Joy to Transform Your Business—with Barry Shore
When you lead a purpose-driven life, you can go MAD—Make A Difference. This is just one of the acronyms guest Barry Shore from The JOY of Living has under his sleeves, helping people live a healthier, wealthier, and wiser life through his memora
How to Build a High-Performance Virtual Team—with Leah Faul
Even if the world is rapidly changing, businesses always find a way to cope with it. Innovations in digital marketing proved that to be true, particularly with the continuous globalization and ongoing pandemic. Meny Hoffman interviews Leah Faul, the Found
Inspire Team Accountability Through Financial Literacy—with Neville Joffe
Running a business is not just about strategic management. It also means dealing with a lot of financial numbers. From calculating your costs, checking your revenue, to accomplishing your tax returns, entrepreneurs have their hands full of paperwork that
How to Grow and Scale Through Servant Leadership—with Naftali Tessler
Servant leadership is more than just a buzzword at Hamaspik of Kings County. As one of the organization’s core values, it reflects not only in the way they’re helping their beneficiaries, but also in the way their leadership team deals with their employee
Simplify Your Business Plan for Dramatic Results—with Laura Posey
As if it was a contest, businesses tend to come up with the most enticing core values and strategies, usually with the purpose to impress. However, this typically leads to every business plan being neglected and not actually materialized, making them mere
Leverage Your Uniqueness for Business, Your Brand, and Beyond—with Joel Wolh
Each of us has something special that only we can offer. We have specific skill sets to help create a unique value, be it in business or life in general. Believing this, Joel Wolh is all about developing a skill set that we can use to add value not o