Let's Talk Business

Let's Talk Business

How to Succeed in Business Without Sacrificing Your Family, Health, or Life—with David Finkel

June 29, 2020

As we, business owners, continue to hustle and do right by our business, we sometimes forget to keep that balance with the other aspects of our lives, particularly our family and even our health. How can we achieve that without sacrificing one over the other? In this episode, Meny Hoffman gets the answers from his guest, David Finkel—a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, syndicated columnist for Inc.com, Forbes.com, and CEOWorld.com, and the CEO of Maui Mastermind. Through his book, The Freedom Formula, David shares how we can build a company faster that is not about the time and effort but about the value created. He talks about working smarter, not harder, and passing it on to your teams so that you can build a company that is independent of any one person. On achieving that work-life balance, David then gives some practical tips that would help you go about creating the time and space to focus on your highest value.