Let's Talk Business

Let's Talk Business

The 5 Stages of Business Growth with Clate Mask

November 18, 2019

Many business owners struggle with the following questions - How do we manage our growth? How do we scale our business? How do we know which stage of growth we are to know what to focus on in order to get our business to the next level? Who is better suited to answer this question than Clate Mask. He is the CEO and Cofounder of Keap, formerly Infusionsoft, recognized as a visionary leader in the small business community. In this interview with Clate, he explains the five stages of business growth and all the challenges you’ll face by each stage, as well as the importance of creating your purpose, value, and mission, and how to cast that to your team. He also shares how to hire the right people and be clear with your expectations. There is so much value in this episode, so don’t miss out.