Let's Think On It

Let's Think On It

Art in Medicine

December 04, 2017

Want to learn a magic trick? Guest Kevin Spencer is all about sharing the secrets of magic to help the healing process. He is a world renowned illusionist that gives back to humanity by teaching magic to patients, such that the performance of the magic trick actually helps the patient heal. We are also joined by Kimberly Kirklin, Director of the Arts in Medicine program, a joint effort by UAB and the Alys Stephens Performing Arts Center. Hear how Kimberly and Kevin are reshaping the future of medical care. The traditional treatment experience is transformed into a creative journey, morphing the western scientific approach into a more human experience. Are outcomes better? You bet! My co-host Haley Ingrum completes the line-up, and has a new career of her own that parallels these efforts. If you have ever been a part of the medical setting as a provider or a patient, you won't want to miss this discussion.