Let's Talk Fandoms

Let's Talk Fandoms

Let's Talk Addiction in Entertainment Media w/ Evan Smith

June 29, 2021

So, remember that episode of The Brady Bunch when Carol Brady found a pack of cigarettes in Greg's jacket pocket and the entire episode revolved around if the parents believed Greg's lie when he stated that they weren't his? I do! I remember it effecting me pretty hard, always thinking, "I would NEVER smoke!" Yet, I was also watching 90210, Degrassi, Criminal Minds, Family Guy and many other shows that depicted a lot worse then smoking. Why and how are we (as the viewing audience) affected and changed by the media we watch, and how does addiction shown in entertainment media change our opinions? Does it change our opinions?
This episode I got the opportunity to sit down and talk about this, and much more, with the incredibly funny, smart and positive Even Smith. Not only is he the co-host of Delta Sparks Pod along with @Andie.At.Electrical, but he is also a recovering addict. Even gives us a peak behind the certain and lets us in on a world that I am not enterally familiar with. Through his experiences and history with addiction and recovery, we take a closer look at how addiction and recovery are portrayed, analyzed and discussed in many different entertainment mediums. How is the show, "Mom" showing their AA meetings, and how are they making it recognizable and relatable to others who have gone through it? Why are we not surprised and shocked that Dr. Gregory House is addicted to pain killers while still being employed? Why is it easier to digest animated shows that are portraying addiction such as; American Dad, Archer, The Boondocks? Is it the responsibility of those who are making the shows, movies, music videos, documentaries to educate and inform the viewing audience? When does the line get crossed, when do we we say that it is too much? When will Tabloids and Magazines stop using a relapse as "Breaking News"?
Cover Art: @Psych_a_relic Intro Music: @RiRiRetro
Find Our Guest Even Smith on Instagram @E.S.Sparks, Podcast: Delta Sparks Pod; Instagram, Twitter, Website and all podcast streaming platforms. Remember to #KeepTalkingFandoms with us on; Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
*Please Note* This episode contains some topics and discussions that might not be suitable for all ages. My guest and I suggest those under the age of 16 to be heavily advised of topics that are discussed in this week's episode. Please note that this episode contains Trigger Warnings that will be placed throughout this episode. Topics include; addiction of many varieties that include but are not limited to; drugs and alcohol, body dysmorphia and addictive behaviors. Along with; suicide, addiction recovery, criminal acts and behaviors. My guest will also be talking about their own experiences and history with addiction and recovery with himself and their family. Please note there will be stronger language than in most other episodes.
Addiction Hotlines/Resources:
Addiction Guide - Has a large list of beneficial and important websites/links
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: (samhsa.gov) 1-800-662-4357 (1-800-662- HELP) (24/7 365)
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (drugabuse.gov) 301-443-1124
The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) (niaaa.nih.gov) 301-443-3860
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (nimh.nih.gov) 301-443-4513
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) (samhsa.gov)
Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator (SAMHSA)


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