Women Rising Together

Women Rising Together

Latest Episodes

Episode 35: Dropping the Ball
June 24, 2021

We're not talking about sports, we're talking about responsibilities! Everyone has them. But sometimes, we can't keep them all in the air at once. When two obligations are about to collide (or overlap), dropping the ball that will bounce back is super ...

Episode 34: Move with the Storm
June 17, 2021

Life can feel like a raging storm – chaotic, stressful and a little scary. We're often trying to fight against. Instead, move with the storm. Find the calm at its center and look at your options. The universe may just be trying to show you a new path,...

Episode 33: Special Guest, Dr. Beth Halbert!
June 10, 2021

We've all got inner-children, but who's operating the wheel plays a big part in how we interact with the world and each other. Dr. Beth discusses with us the best practices she uses to work with parents and teens alike when they're operating at differe...

Episode 32: Believe in Yourself!
June 03, 2021

To believe in yourself can feel like an uphill battle. But take it one step at a time. What do you KNOW you're good at? Who DOES support you? Where do you feel GOOD in your life?

Episode 31: Make an Effort to Fulfill your Dreams
May 27, 2021

Taking small steps every day (or nearly every day) toward your goals is necessary for reaching. It doesn't have to be a lot! But you need to do something... consistency is key!

Let’s Get Relational Episode 30: Love Yourself Enough to Want Change
May 20, 2021

Choosing you – your happiness, wants, needs can be difficult. Choosing to make a change because you're unhappy and your needs aren't being met can be scary. What will happen if you choose you? What are the consequences AND rewards?

Episode 29: FEAR
May 13, 2021

FEAR. Yes! Fear can stop us from reaching our goals. Fear is what gives us limits. When you learn to embrace your fears, it gives you the opportunity to move past them and reach the goals most important to you.

Episode 28: Take a Stand and Commit to it!
May 06, 2021

When you take a stand and commit to your decision, you're setting yourself up for success. This is SO important for creating the life, the career, and the relationships you want! Your goals won't just fall into your lap,

Episode 27: Give Me Strength
April 29, 2021

This pandemic experience has been a wild ride full of challenges. And for many of us, the ride isn't quite over. We're all going to need that inner source of strength (your inner-goddess/warrior/light/whatever you want) to keep going. In this episode,

Episode 26: Building Trust With Yourself and Others
April 22, 2021

Trust! Yes! Before you're able to trust anyone else you have to trust yourself, first. When you can trust yourself, when you believe in yourself – it's one of the best feelings in the world.