Let's Go! Podcast

Let's Go! Podcast

Special Episode! Hear Danny's story!

November 25, 2016

Danny Gonzalez is 8 years old. For most of his life he has been fighting stage 3 Acute Lymph-mo-blastic Leukemia. This has been going on since he was 1 years old. He has been in and out of the hospital and getting chemotherapy every day for 6 1/2 years. As of September the 9th, he has had his last day of chemotherapy. So this is going to be the first time in a long while he gets to spend his holidays at home. So since he is out, he wants to care for the other kids and friends that he knows that will still be in the hospital during the holidays. A whole lot of them still have treatments and everything that goes along with that. So it is a real bummer. Imagine being a kid stuck in the hospital during the times kids are usually super excited for Christmas and all that. So Danny is trying to raise money to get his buddies some presents. And he wants to give those out with his good friend Batman.  He knows what its like. His family really benefitted from others helping them out. They were given, toys, beanies, food cards, gas cards and so much more during Danny’s time in the hospital. His parents has to take time off of work and drive all them time so there was a real stress.  That is where all the Let's Go! Podcast listeners can help! Danny is going to pass out gifts to all his friends on Friday Dec. 9th. so our time line is really short. Please visit his Go Fund Me page at gofundme.com/dannyschristmasdrive  Thank you to all that have already given and have been apart!