Business and Marketing for entrepreneurs

Business and Marketing for entrepreneurs

Latest Episodes

Media marketing part 2
October 04, 2019

I give you marketing ideas so you can advertise your business

Social Media Marketing part 1
September 24, 2019

I explain what social media platforms are best and give you ideas on how to market on social media

10 tips for Free Business Marketing
September 17, 2019

In this episode I give you 10 tips on how you can marketing your business for free!

Does t take money to make money?
September 10, 2019

In this episode I talk about how money plays in opening a business and some tips to start your business with little to no money!

5 tips on how to open a small business
September 03, 2019

I give you 5 tips on how to open a small business

How to get inspired in winter time
February 27, 2019

I talk about how anybody in any time of life can find inspiration on how to go on with life during winter time!

Free Photography Marketing ideas
February 11, 2019

I give you free marketing ideas and also my advise on Photography business

Don’t let others put you limits!
January 30, 2019

I talk about how to follow your passion and give you motivation on how to pressure anything you wish for in life!

Welcome to my Podcast!
January 26, 2019

Here I give you an introduction of who I am and what we will be talking about on these podcasts.