Less Is Morgue

Less Is Morgue

Episode 103: Video Killed The Podcast Star

March 13, 2020

Irritated with Riley’s hipsterish frustration with modern TV, Evelyn cycles through a series of TV shows in order to prove the pretentious ghoul wrong. In the process, she might accidentally unleash a universe-destroying horror.


Alexis Bristowe as Riley

Meg Molloy Tuten as Evelyn

Scott Thomas as Morby, Fat Cat

Jeremy Showell as Anime Boy, B-Lister, Silverbirch

Gus Zagarella as Salaryman

Scott Thomas as Android, Moviegoer 1, Man

Jessica McEvoy as Anime Girl, Anime Maiden, Celebrity Cameo, Moviegoer 2

Rob O’Dwyer as Redwood, Narrator


Less Is Morgue is a Praeps Collective production

Produced by Scott Thomas.

Executive Producer Uri Sacharow.

Today’s episode was written by Gus Zagarella, Meg Molloy Tuten, and Henry Galley

