Legal Nurse Podcast

Legal Nurse Podcast

505 Your Ideal LNC Client - Rick Jeune

July 25, 2022

Rick Jeune is a speaker and consultant who specializes in small businesses. He has created several successful businesses and is starting another one. He brings his expertise in the world of small business to this podcast about your ideal LNC client.

He believes that three primary principles that help to create a successful business. Self-knowledge is the first of these. If you don’t know who you are, and if you aren’t aware of how you change, you won’t know how to be in relationship with others, especially your clients.

Secondly, you need to know who your ideal clientele is. Otherwise, you won’t attract them to you.

Finally, you need to have a sense of what the pressures and triggers are that your clients are facing in their own work environment, so that you can provide a little bit of give and take. This last part can be delicate because too much accommodation will attract high—maintenance clients. You need to set boundaries while at the same time rewarding those clients who fit your ideal criteria. When these clients recognize your appreciation of their particular burdens, they will not only give you repeat business but will recommend you.

Wherever you are in your business, you will benefit from Rick’s practical recommendations. Don’t miss this podcast.

Join me in this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast to learn about Your Ideal LNC Client - Rick Jeune

What three things must you to know in order to start a successful business? How does knowing what your values are help you as a businessperson? How can you decide who your ideal client is? Why is it so important to be highly selective in taking clients? How does setting boundaries help your business succeed?

Join us for our 6th Virtual Conference

LNC Success is a Livecast Virtual Conference 2-day event designed for legal nurse consultants just like you!

Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin put together THE first Legal Nurse Consulting Virtual Conference in July 2020.

They are back with their 6th all new conference based on what attendees said they’d find most valuable. This new implementation and networking event is designed for LNCs at any stage in their career.

Build your expertise, attract higher-paying attorney clients, and take your business to the next level.

After  the LNC Success Virtual Conference, you will leave with clarity, confidence, and an effective step-by-step action plan that you can immediately implement in your business.

Your Presenter of Your Ideal LNC Client - Rick Jeune

My training includes a BA (honors Psychology) and an MA (Applied Psychology focusing on organizational development). Early in my career I worked in corporate and government departments where I managed projects designed to evaluate and improve business processes and services. I gravitated to working with small businesses and have had two successful small businesses providing management advice. I am now in the early stages of building my third successful small business. As a consultant I've had the rewarding opportunity to mentor dozens of small business owners and look forward to supporting more businesses.

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