Legal Bits for Business

Legal Bits for Business

Latest Episodes

Marsha Anderson Episode 49
September 20, 2018

Legal Bits Episode #49 – Mood by Design Our moods can be easily influenced by our surroundings. A dingy bathroom makes for many grumpy mornings, while a light kitchen makes the morning cup of coffee a little more enjoyable. It is important to be intention

Marsha Anderson Episode 49
September 20, 2018

Legal Bits Episode #49 – Mood by Design Our moods can be easily influenced by our surroundings. A dingy bathroom makes for many grumpy mornings, while a light kitchen makes the morning cup of coffee a little more enjoyable. It is important to be intention

Alissa Daire Nelson Episode 48
September 17, 2018

Legal Bits Episode #48 – I Dare You We make goals focused on the end result, not on the process. With our gaze set far over the horizon, it’s easy to stumble on the steps right before us. Success comes when we recognize our ability in the moment, and set

Alissa Daire Nelson Episode 48
September 17, 2018

Legal Bits Episode #48 – I Dare You We make goals focused on the end result, not on the process. With our gaze set far over the horizon, it’s easy to stumble on the steps right before us. Success comes when we recognize our ability in the moment, and set

Amanda Kaufman Episode 47
September 07, 2018

Legal Bits Episode #47 – Have it All We spend countless hours working if only to get closer to having it all. Culture tells us to be successful, have a family, and park a nice car in front of a fancy home. Until we get there, we assume it must just take w

Amanda Kaufman Episode 47
September 07, 2018

Legal Bits Episode #47 – Have it All We spend countless hours working if only to get closer to having it all. Culture tells us to be successful, have a family, and park a nice car in front of a fancy home. Until we get there, we assume it must just take w

Connie Hertz Episode 46
August 30, 2018

Legal Bits Episode #46 – Paradise Dreams From the worst pain can often come the biggest successes. It often takes help, though, to ensure the pain serves as motivation instead of debilitation. With understanding coaching, new progress can turn dreams in

Connie Hertz Episode 46
August 30, 2018

Legal Bits Episode #46 – Paradise Dreams From the worst pain can often come the biggest successes. It often takes help, though, to ensure the pain serves as motivation instead of debilitation. With understanding coaching, new progress can turn dreams in

Amy Quale Episode 45
August 24, 2018

Legal Bits Episode #45 – Shades and Stories Books can change the world. If you are not convinced, ask any little girl who daydreams of being an international spy ninja princess or little boy who wants to be an astronaut policeman acrobat. Mixed in the p

Amy Quale Episode 45
August 24, 2018

Legal Bits Episode #45 – Shades and Stories Books can change the world. If you are not convinced, ask any little girl who daydreams of being an international spy ninja princess or little boy who wants to be an astronaut policeman acrobat. Mixed in the p