Legal Bits for Business

Legal Bits for Business

Legal Bits for Business Revisits the Vault with Jake Langeslag

March 12, 2021

Goat Dispatch was established in 2013 by Jake and Amanda Langeslag as an alternative way to manage difficult vegetation. Their ten-acre property was so heavily infested with buckthorn that they could not even walk through sections of it. After years of battling and feeling defeated after using traditional methods, they were determined to find a better way. They wanted to help provide a more sustainable, eco-friendly approach as other land managers were reporting plants that were starting to get more resistant to certain herbicides. For them, traditional methods were very labor-intensive and time-consuming and they wanted their property to be a safe place for their growing children Ivan (2) and Greta (5) to play and enjoy the outdoors.

Amanda, an animal lover, always wanted to own goats and Jake agreed to get goats with the understanding that they were “working” around the property.  It did not take long for the couple to notice how well they were working and how easily the goats seemed to do a job so difficult for humans.  Neighbors started asking if they could hire the goats for their yards and the next thing they knew they were full-time goat wranglers working in parks, cities and private residences all over Minnesota and Western Wisconsin.