Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 140, I Deserve It!

September 01, 2021

How often have you thought 'I deserve it...' or 'I want to reward myself...' or 'I've worked so hard today... I should be able to have a glass...'You deserve WAY MORE than a glass of wine.You deserve to reach your goals.You deserve to live a happy, fulfilling, life.You deserve to honor your commitments to yourself.You deserve restful sleep.You deserve to feel good.Tune in to this week's episode where I teach you how to reach bigger and to think more creatively in what you actually deserve!
**Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? 
click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY<< if you *don't* think you can afford it, or don't think you will do it and be successful, or it isn't the right time, I HIGHLY encourage you to fill out the application and then just join me for one of the free LIVE Q+A calls I'll be having. Then decide.To join the Friday 9/3/21 @10:30 am EST Q+A call with me: join the Tuesday 9/7/21 @ 7:00 pm EST Q+A call with me: