Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 138, Making it Easy to Drink Less

August 18, 2021

We can’t make permanent changes with our relationship with alcohol or any relationship unless we get conscious of our current thoughts.
This is important because we are motivated to seek pleasure avoid pain and save energy.
This is our foundational basic human programming, it’s the motivational triad.
So, if we don’t know what we are thinking.. and how that plays into the motivational triad, it can feel like you are pushing through mud.
Your thoughts make you feel a range of emotions. Some positive some negative some just neutral.
Your brain will recognize these emotions as painful or as feeling good.
When your brain recognizes these emotions as difficult or painful.. the motivational triad will dictate what happens next. If they are painful, your brain will motivate you to avoid that pain and seek pleasure and save your energy.
If they are feel good ones, it will motivate you to keep doing whatever you are doing to get that feel good feeling.
You can learn how to use this basic programming to make it easy to drink less.
Tune in to learn how!



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Join me for a cozy, online COFFEE CHAT!Friday, August 20th at 10:00am est.Get your name on the list to receive the zoom link!
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