Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 102, How to Stop Drinking AFTER Your Planned Amount

December 09, 2020

Some of you think 'it's easier to just not drink than to stop at 1 or 2.'Well, if this is YOU- this episode is speaking your language.You need to LEARN how to stop after you've had some alcohol and I am teaching you exactly HOW to do this in this episode. Grab a notebook, shut your office door and tune in!
P.S. IT IS OFFICIALLY YOUR LAST CHANCE TO JOIN ME THIS YEAR FOR COACHING.So.. I am going LIVE tomorrow at 10:00 am EST via Zoom and you can join me and hear all the details about my 6-month coaching program, who it is good for and who it isn't. You can ask me any questions about it and get my immediate response AND I'm giving a little refresher on Why We Over-drink.If there is even a teeny bit of you that is interested in joining my coaching program, I'd highly suggest you join. It will be fun.. of course, because I don't do boring.. and you'll learn a little something AND get to make a decision on whether you are joining me or NOT. Registration required > CLICK THE LINK TO SIGN UP: