Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 98, AUTHENTICITY AND DRINKING LESS

November 11, 2020

This weeks episode I share how being authentic for me helped me drink less and go bigger in my life.
I decided at the very beginning of my journey that I wasn't going to hide who I was anymore. Me choosing authenticity in my life, in my business, with my family, friends, in my values SERVES me. 
It doesn't mean it's always easy. Sometimes it's down right awkward and uncomfortable.
When I wrote and produced this episode I knew that me sharing my true authentic self would turn people away.. and it's ok.
I don't need to make everyone happy.
What I want is for me to feel true in my life and when I do that I end up helping a lot more people in the end.
Join the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program!Click the link below, watch the 3 videos and read through all the information and then click >>APPLY<<.I'll review your application and if you are approved to join the program, I'll reach out to have a quick call.
Want to join my [FREE] How to Enjoy The Holidays Without Over-drinking Masterclass?Here are just a few of the amazing things you will get from it...-Learn WHY you are drinking more during the holidays-Learn HOW you move through the holidays WITHOUT over-drinking/eating even with family/friend pressure-Hear success stories from women who have learned how to honor their commitments with alcohol DURING the holidays-How you can ENJOY the holidays without feeling deprivedRegister for this FREE Masterclass taking place on November 16th HERE >