Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 96, One Year Later with Client Amy

October 28, 2020

Did you all listen to episode 32, Interview with Client Amy? (, Amy is back on the podcast 1 year after reaching her weight loss and over-drinking goals and shares HOW she's been able to do it AND keep it off for a year. Stop Over-drinking and Start Living podcast is about to celebrate 100 episodes! Wanna participate in the fun? I'm giving away [3] $100 Amazon gift cards!All you have to do is subscribe to the podcast, leave me an iTunes review, and then send me an email.Here are all the instructions:Step 1:Go to iTunes on your computer or open up your podcast player app on your phone> Click 'Search' and type in Stop Over-drinking and Start Living> You will see my podcast picture, click or tap on it> Click or tap 'Subscribe'> Then scroll to the very bottom past all the episodes until you see Ratings & Reviews> Then right under that you will see Tap to Rate: give me 5 stars (if you think it's worthy only!)> Then under the 1st review, you will see a little 'Write a Review' button, click on it.> It will open a separate window, make sure the 5 stars are highlighted at the top> Enter a 'title' of the review (Make sure you remember the title! This is how you will enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card..)> Write a review in the space below the title. Tell us how the podcast has helped you and what you like about it.> Then click 'Send' located at the top right of that screenStep 2:> Send me an email at and in the subject line write: iTunes REVIEW Entry> In the body of the email write the title of the podcast review that you left on iTunes and anything else you want me to know about how much you love the podcast.That's it! After you hit send on that email, you have entered for a chance to win [1] of the [3] $100 Amazon gift cards.I will be announcing the winners, on the podcast, every week leading up to our 100th episode that will be recorded LIVE on November 23rd, in which you are invited to attend! SIGN up to attend that PARTAAAY, by clicking HERE>
Coffee Chat with Angela Join me this Friday at 10:00 am with your favorite cup and let's chat! I'll be sharing my favorite books and what I'm reading. You can also ask me questions and we can kick of this holiday weekend ready to SLAY!Sign Up HERE>>
Join the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program!Click the link below, watch the 3 videos and read through all the information and then click >>APPLY<<.I'll review your application and if you are approved to join the program, I'll reach out to have a quick call.