Learning Chinese through Stories

Learning Chinese through Stories

2.1.18 笑话《餐巾纸》

October 17, 2016

So a lot of public restrooms in China do not provide toilet paper. Have it ever happened to you that you just had a number 2 but could not find any toilet paper? Check out how this witted Chinese guy handled the emergency...

Worksheet questions for this story can be found under the tab "练习题Worksheet" on http://www.learningchinesethroughstories.com



餐巾纸 cānjīnzhǐ
Noun, napkins
卫生纸,toilet paper
好在 hǎo zài
Adv, fortunately
够 gòu
“够+adj” means “…enough”
够聪明,smart enough
机智 jīzhì
Adj, witted
份 fèn
Measure word for “food delivery”
外卖 wàimài
Noun, food delivery
小哥 xiǎo gē
Noun, young male who works as delivery guy
地址 dìzhǐ
Noun, address
公厕 gōngcè
Noun, public restroom
Short for 公共厕所
坑 kēng
Noun, toilet stall; hole