Learn Japanese Pod

Learn Japanese Pod

Latest Episodes

Podcast 39: Notes
October 02, 2021

These are the PDF show notes for the Learn Japanese Pod podcast episode 39 “Calling an ambulance in Japanese”. For more podcasts check out Learn Japanese Pod

Podcast 38: Making a Suggestion in Japanese
July 24, 2021

In this podcast, Ami and Alex teach you how to make suggestions to your friends in natural, fluent Japanese. Check out the dialogues and show notes to practice and improve your Japanese. For more podc

Podcast 38: Just the Dialogues
July 24, 2021

In this lesson you will learn how to make a suggestion to your friends in natural sounding Japanese. It’s better to be indirect with your language as being too pushy can make you come off as being arr

Podcast 38: Notes
July 24, 2021

DOWNLOAD PDF SHOW NOTES These are the PDF show notes for the Learn Japanese Pod podcast episode 38 “Making a suggestion in Japanese”. For more podcasts check out Learn Japanese Pod  

Fun Friday 17: Ask us anything
July 08, 2021

In this Fun Friday edition of the podcast, Andy and Alex answer listener questions about living in Japan, its culture and tips on learning Japanese. For more Japanese language learning podcasts visit

Podcast 37: How to use the verb kureru in Japanese
June 15, 2021

In this podcast, Ami and Alex teach you how to use the verb Kureru naturally in Japanese conversation. Kureru is a verb you can use to ask people to do things for you. It’s used casually between frien

Podcast 37: Just the dialogues
June 15, 2021

In this lesson you’ll learn how to use the verb kureru. Kureru is a verb you use when asking someone to do something for you. It translates roughly as do something for me. Check out the main dialogue

Podcast 34: Aizuchi
September 29, 2020

In this podcast, Ami and Alex teach you about Aizuchi or phrases you can use to interject in conversation to show interest in the speaker. For more Japanese language learning podcasts visit Learn Japanese Pod

Podcast 34: Just the dialogues
September 29, 2020

In this podcast lesson you’ll learn about 相槌 Aizuchi, which are words used to show interest during a conversation. In English you might say things like “Uh-huh” and “really?” during a conversation to show you are listening to the speaker.

Podcast 34: Notes
September 29, 2020

These are the downloadable PDF show notes for podcast 34 “Aizuchi”. For more Japanese learning podcasts visit Learn Japanese Pod