Learn Japanese Pod

Learn Japanese Pod

Latest Episodes

Podcast 18: PDF Show notes
April 21, 2018

The show note PDFs for podcast 18

Fun Friday: Why do Japanese people wear masks?!
April 06, 2018

This is the Fun Friday edition of Learn Japanese Pod where we talk about why Japanese people wear masks

Fun Friday: Japanese TV Shows
March 09, 2018

In this Fun Friday episode, Ami and I talk about our favorite Japanese TV shows

Podcast 17: How to express your opinion in Japanese
February 28, 2018

In this episode, Alex and Ami teach you how

Podcast 17: Just the dialogs
February 28, 2018

These are the dialogs for podcast 17

Podcast 17: PDF Show notes
February 28, 2018

The show note PDFs for podcast 17

Fun Friday: Interview with Niko from Nihongo Shark
February 09, 2018

Fun Friday Podcast

Podcast 16: What to do when you lose your wallet in Japan
January 31, 2018

In this episode Alex and Ami talk about what to do if you lose your wallet in Japan

Podcast 16: Just the dialogs
January 31, 2018

These are the dialogs for podcast 16

Podcast 16: PDFs
January 31, 2018

The show note PDFs for podcast 16