Learn Japanese Pod

Learn Japanese Pod

Latest Episodes

Podcast 24: PDF show notes
January 30, 2019

The show note PDFs for podcast 24

Podcast 23: How to speak Osaka Ben
December 12, 2018

In this podcast Ami sensei teaches you how to speak her native Osaka dialect.

Podcast 23: Just the Japanese dialogs
December 12, 2018

These are the Japanese dialogs for episode 23

Podcast 23: PDF Show notes
December 12, 2018

These are the PDF show notes for podcast 23 "How to speak Osaka Ben"

Podcast 22: What does Yappari mean?
October 10, 2018

In this podcast, Ami sensei and Alex teach you what "Yappari" means.

Podcast 22: Just the dialogs!
October 10, 2018

These are the Japanese audio dialogs for podcast 22

Podcast 22: Just the PDF show notes!
October 10, 2018

These are the show notes for podcast 22

Fun Friday: Ask us anything
September 14, 2018

In this podcast Ami and Alex answer your Japanese related study questions.

Podcast 21: Japanese Conversation Starters
August 24, 2018

In this podcast Alex and Ami teach you some useful conversation starters in Japanese. These are really useful for everyday conversation and small talk in Japanese.

Podcast 21: Just the dialogs
August 24, 2018

This is just the Japanese dialogs